domenica, settembre 23, 2007

Mourning Into Dancing

Si, ok, non è che proprio posso ballare, però sto molto meglio...
E poi, davvero, ho avuto un bellissimo regalo... e tu sai che mi riferisco a te. Grazie davvero...

Il resto lo affido alle parole di una bella canzone di PRAISE AND WORSHIP di Tommy Walker:

He's turned my mourning into dancing again, He's lifted my sorrows;
I can't stay silent, I must sing for His joy has come.

When there was once only hurt, He gave His healing hand;
Where there once was only pain, He brought comfort like a friend.
I feel the sweetness of His love piercing my darkness;
I see the bright and morning sun as it ushers in His joyful gladness.

He's turned my mourning into dancing again, He's lifted my sorrows;
I can't stay silent, I must sing for His joy has come.

OH, OH, OH!!!

You've turned my mourning into dancing again, You've lifted my sorrows;
I can't stay silent, I must sing for Your joy has come.

When there was once only hurt, You gave Your healing hand;
Where there once was only pain, You brought comfort like a friend.
I feel the sweetness of Your love piercing my darkness;
I see the bright and morning sun as it ushers in Your joyful gladness.

You've turned my mourning into dancing again, You've lifted my sorrows;
I can't stay silent, I must sing for Your joy has come.

Your anger lasts for a moment in time,
But Your favor is here and will be on me
For all my lifetime.

3 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...

..quello è il coro interrazaiel di Newark?



Eliduin ha detto...

no, no...
E' il coro gospel di Soweto...
e del tuo BYRON CAGE conosco poco... MA STO... EMULANDO!!!! :D

Cilions ha detto...

Che bellezza!!!!
Già la foto trasuda emozione...
Buona guarigione;)