venerdì, settembre 30, 2005

glorious day

Tomorrow morning I felt strange... I woke up and I looked at the cloudy sky: no sun ray, a kind of fog like a curtain between me and the world beyond...
I made my usual breakfast looking at the weather-forecast: they were absolutely negative: no sun on my way.. added to the promise of heavy rain...
I got my car and I drove to work: the same trip of every day, with the traffic lights turning on red when I was near to go beyond them... the men at work along the way stopping me, the officers looking for slapping a ticket on someone and not helping people in need...
I said to myself: "no way... today will be another bad day"... and my mind recalled the song (you know: "You had a bad day" ...)

I started singing it and I found out myself with a little smile on my face....
I passed that smile to the man in the highway toll station and he re-smiled to me... and, looking better, I saw that he has a wonderful green couple of eyes... tanned skin... white teeth... and a really alluring look... I said HELLO and he said it to me, with a beautiful smile... it was about 9 o'clock...

Now, 12 o'clock, the sun is shining in the sky, with some little white cloud looking like curls of whipped cream; I can see only a little space from my window, but I feel better... so much better...

And, even if I know that almost all my hopes are broken down, I think I'll be able to collect sun rays enough to full my heart again...

giovedì, settembre 22, 2005

How can I mend a broken heart?

... With a delicious cup of HOT chocolate!!!

(what are you saying? "It's still too warm to have a cup of hot chocolate"...? OK, go and have an ICY shower!!!)

You need:

  • 1/2 pound of fondant chocolate
  • 1/4 cup of creamy
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 1 vanillia stick
  • 2 clove
  • 1/2 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon of powdered nutmeg.


  1. put the milk in a pot and add the spices; take the milk till boiling then let it rest for 1/2 hour
  2. use a filter to separate the spieces from the milk; put it on the fire again and add the pieces of chocolate: let them melt, add creamy
  3. mix all with a wood spoon on a low fire
  4. serve the HOT chocolate directly in your cup
  5. ENJOY!!!


domenica, settembre 18, 2005

Two different songs

To me.. once I dedicated this song to you... not today..

Security (Joss Stone)
A loss that would have thrown
A hole through anybody's soul
And you were only human after all
So don't hold back the tears my dear
Release them so your eyes can clear
I know that you will rise again
But you gotta let them fall
I wish that I could snap my fingers
Erase the past but no
You cannot rewind reality
Once the tape's unrolled

If your spirit's broken and you can't bear the pain
I will help you put the pieces back
A little more each day
And if your heart is locked and you can't find the key
Lay your head upon my shoulder
I'll set you free
I'll be your security

A moment of despair
That forces you to say that life's unfair
It makes you scared of what tomorrow may bring
But don't go giving into fear
Stop hiding all alone in there
The show keeps going on and on
But you'll miss the whole damn thing
I wish I had a crystal ball to see what the future holds
But we don't know how the story ends till it's all been told

On any clock upon the wall
The time is always now
So baby kiss the past goodbye
Don't let the future blow your mind
Just sit back and chill
Take things as they come
You can't be afraid
To live for today
I will be with you each step of the way

To me and to him... and only god knows who is...

I'm With You (Avril Lavigne)

I'm standing on a bridge
I'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don’t know who you are
But I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you

I'm looking for a place
I'm searching for a face
Is anybody here I know
'Cause nothing's going right
And everything's a mess
And no one likes to be alone

Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you

Oh, why is everything so confusing?
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yea yea yea

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I dont know who you are
But I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I dont know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I don’t know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you I'm with you

giovedì, settembre 15, 2005

Nuvole all'orizzonte

E sa anda' di nulla....

Mentre venivo a lavoro in auto, i miei soliti 50 minuti di traffico, mi sono fatta un po' di riesame degli ultimi 30 giorni e non è che mi sia piaciuto un granchè.

Il mio grande difetto è sempre lì. Presente a se stesso ed a me solo quando ormai ci sono ricascata. Ma ho smesso da tempo di cercare di cambiare per gli altri... ed il fatto che qualcuno mi dica ancora una volta che il mio comportamento non è quello che si aspetta, mi fa andare in bestia. O mi prendete per come sono o fate a meno di me. Non chiedo nient'altro se non che la gente mi accetti così, con i miei pregi ed i miei difetti. SE, e solo SE, io vorrò, tenterò di cambiare qualcosa... il fatto è che, dopo 30 anni che ti comporti in un certo qual modo, è difficile prendere la propria vita in mano, impacchettarla e dire: DA OGGI ANNO NUOVO!!! L'ho già fatto il giorno successivo al mio compleanno, quasi 2 anni fa, e mi sto sforzando di riuscirci.

E qui mi torna in mente che avevo intenzione di scrivere, dopo una dovuta pausa di riflessione, una lettera ad un amico con il quale ho un mezzo discorso in sospeso... volevo dirgli che quello che gli ho detto è quello che penso, ma forse ho sbagliato momento e modo. Momento, perchè ero troppo arrabbiata, avrei fatto meglio a rifletterci un po' più sopra, e modo, perchè forse il tono della lettera è freddo in certi punti e da schiaffi in altri.
Ma, se si tolgono tutte queste attenuanti, resta il fatto che vorrei capirci di più. Io so xkè ero arrabbiata: perchè ero rimasta sconvolta dal suo atteggiamento: dopo quasi 4 mesi che non rispondeva alle mail, mi vede, mi abbraccia e mi tratta come se fossero passati 10 gg... ed io avevo timidamente sperato in un riavvicinamento, perchè allora, lui non sembrava arrabbiato con me, anzi. E poi vengo a sapere quelle cose sul suo conto: una pugnalata alle spalle, un colpo di spugna contro la mia fiducia in lui.
E poi ho capito: ho riposto troppa fiducia in lui, nel suo affetto verso di me. Ero più arrabbiata con me stessa che con lui... Sono solo una delle tante e nemmeno tra le più importanti... la prossima volta, per favore, trattami con distacco, allora...

Inoltre forse non ho ancora capito nulla del concetto di amicizia.
Un amico è una persona che ti supporta, ti aiuta, ti incoraggia, ti offre un sorriso quando ne hai bisogno.
Un amico è anche uno che ti dice le cose che non vanno, pure, ma sempre nel momento in cui ritiene che tu sia in grado di riceverle. O nel momento in cui vede che stai sbagliando alla grande, e che sarebbe meglio che tu la smettessi.
Un amico non è una persona che non riponde ai messaggi, che tutte le volte che dici qualcosa deve farti vedere che tu hai torto e lui ragione. Un amico non è uno che, se è successo qualcosa di sgradevole, ti investe di tutto il suo livore, astio e rabbia. Un amico non ti rinfaccia le cose che hai fatto.
Un amico dimentica, un amico perdona. Un amico ti difende e sorride dei tuoi modi strani di vivere. Un amico ti avverte dei pericoli e ti da informazioni utili alla tua vita, senza per questo pretendere che tu le segua.

Sono cresciuta nella convinzione che "La vita è come in uno specchio riflessa, se tu le sorridi, ti sorride anch'essa".
Per questo sto cercando il mio raggio di sole... al di la' di ogni nuvola che oscurerà il mio cielo.

martedì, settembre 13, 2005

About my last lost things...

I think something never changes... I’ve just read some old letters I sent to one of my best friends: she's my best friend at the moment... and I felt the same feeling: we are so different, so proud to be what we are. We didn’t grow up together, we had different experiences, we lived a different life until something joined us. And it was music: that deep passion for same music, and we started to live a lot of moments together... too long explaining everything, but I could have said that we belonged together...
But everything I care of, it seems to waste with passing time. I don’t’ want to recall the last things I’ve lost, I think they are over, now. But I can’t do without thinking that I’ve wasted time loving people who don’t care of me... and I’m not talking about you, you know.
You know... I can’t pretend people understand my way of living: everyone has their own reason and I don’t want to change the world with a smile...
People often doesn’t understand the reason why I can love people although the things they do or they think. People used to look at faults, so they can be sure of themselves. I always try to see that one and only light people bring... And, sometimes, I fall in love with them because of that light.

Sure, I fall in love with people... and, going on, I always make the same old mistake. I can’t learn by my mistakes... and, once again, maybe, I’ve lost another chance to love somebody I care of… You know whom I’m talking about...

And I learned love is a filter you use to look through life... and you can see it in a different way... love is a disease changing your habits...
And I’m not only talking about love between a man and a woman.... I’m talking about LOVE, that great feeling we used to live in such many ways... love of a mother, love of a friend, love for a pet, love for life, love for the smile in a child face... (When I fall in love, it would be forever.... the way the song sings...).

And now we’re out of that feeling once again...
You know, I need to talk with you... about every little speech, every little bit of my heart you feel beating in a wrong way... Now I’m in peace with my brain, with my rationality… but my hearth still going on singing its same melody... and the brain cuts off the energy, it knows that everything can go on as it usually does…

Sorry my poor English… :) I hope you’ll understand!!!

domenica, settembre 11, 2005

Oh, well, let's go!!!

I promise: I'll try to not make too many mistakes, with my poor English... I'm from Italy, and I'm going to improve it...
Infatti ogni tanto, presa dalla disperazione, scriverò in ITALIANO...
E non prometto null'altro, se non di dire sempre e solo quello che penso... e sarebbe bello poterlo fare in assoluta libertà...
For English people:I promise I'll say only the things I think... it would be good I can do it unreservedly...