lunedì, novembre 05, 2007

ancora LEI

Si, ancora LEI, quella che mi ha preso il cuore, quella che vibra dentro e risuona intensa come il vento tra le fronde.... lei...

People - have always been singing
To wipe away tears
To ease all their pain
Music - has always been healing
Some people just sometimes
And others again and again and again

So we hope that today you are ready
To understand
Whenever you're falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key
It makes you feel proud and strong
Helps you to carry on

If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key - sets you free

Stories - we've always been telling
It's part of our nature
To speak with a friend

So we hope that today you are ready
To understand
Whenever you're falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key
It makes you feel proud and strong
Helps you to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key

It's the key to the heart of all people
It can open the door to your soul
It's the key to a world
Where the flower of love
Always grows - don't you know...

Whenever you're falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key
Whenever you're losing faith
Just wanna leave your place
Come sing along with me
Trust me that music is the key
Just sing with me loud and strong
Help us to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key - sets you free...
Music is the key ...

5 commenti:

rompina ha detto...

cantare e' come musica ti fonde con il mondo, quello che si vede e quello piu' nascosto.
povere le persone che non lo sanno...o non lo capiscono!
ciao Eliduin...!!! :o)

Unknown ha detto...

...è tornata la pace sul mio blog...ora è diventato nuovamente vivibile...


rompina ha detto...


Eliduin ha detto...

Master: ecco, io UN direi miha, attro che pace, la mi pare una bella incasinatura... oicchè ttu mmi combini, che voi diventare anche te un MaLestro?

Rompina: mi raccomando, tesoro, un ti accomunare a quella gente... pensaci bene, che poi un te la levi miha di torno....

Baci a tutti e due!!

rompina ha detto...

oh signur! temo di aver bisogno di una traduzione, neh...
comunque tranquilla, un mi accomuno a nessuno io...(faccia di chi la sa lunga)